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Pre-owned vehicles

Pre-owned vehiclesThe Advantages of Buying From a Dealership
Consumer habits have changed a lot since the beginning of the pandemic. The pre-owned vehicle market too. But an eternal question remains; should you buy from a private individual or from a car dealer? Both options have advantages, of course, but the second is often preferable. Here’s why … 1.
Pre-owned vehicles10 Good Used Vehicles From 2016
If your budget is only compatible with five or six year-old vehicles, you obviously won’t be able to take advantage of the initial manufacturer’s warranty (unless, for example, you opt for a Mitsubishi model that has a drivetrain coverage of 10 years or 160,000 km). For that reason, choosing a …
Pre-owned vehiclesHow to Increase Your Trade-In Value?
As you may have noticed, pre-owned vehicles have gained a lot of value since brand new ones have become rare due to the pandemic. For those who are looking to sell their old ride, this is great news! If that’s your case, you’ll still want to make sure you get …
Pre-owned vehiclesThe Prius' All-Wheel Drive System: How Does It Work?
Looking for a pre-owned vehicle with good fuel economy? One of the best choices available to you is certainly the Toyota Prius . You probably know it by reputation, but you might not be familiar with all its features. One that’s likely to please many Quebec drivers is the all-wheel …
Pre-owned vehicles5 Tips to Avoid Buying a Bad Pre-Owned Vehicle
Vehicle quality has greatly improved over the last years, so much so that it became quite difficult to find fundamentally bad vehicles. Of course, pre-owned vehicles or ones that show high mileage are a different story; the initial manufacturer’s warranty is long gone, several parts can be worn down and …
Pre-owned vehiclesOtogo Launches a New Vehicle Appraisal Tool
There is a fairly recent vehicle sitting in your driveway? You should know that its value has probably increased over the last year. As a matter of fact, sellers currently have considerable leeway if they want to get rid of their vehicles because dealers are scrambling to replenish inventories that …
Pre-owned vehiclesWhat's the Best Pre-Owned Pickup Under $20,000?
More than many other types of pre-owned vehicles, pickups have gained a lot of value in the last year and can now sell for rather high prices. That being said, if you’re looking for an affordable pickup model, there’s hope; there’s still a way to get a good deal. Let’s …
Pre-owned vehiclesIs it a Good Idea to Buy a Demo?
or those who are looking for a good used vehicle that is “like new” or almost, a demo is certainly an option to consider. These models can be found easily; just browse the ads or go to a dealer and you’ll see! Some people don’t trust them while others are …
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