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Pre-owned vehicles

Pre-owned vehiclesUsed Car Buyers Are Less Interested in Driving Aids
A new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in the United States indicates that buyers of used cars are much less likely to be interested in various installed driving aids than buyers of new vehicles. Consequently, they are less likely to understand their function, trust them, or …
Pre-owned vehiclesPre-Owned Volkswagen Golf: How Much Should You Pay?
The love affair between Quebecers and the Volkswagen Golf will never be the same again. Since the German manufacturer has decided to offer the eighth generation only in GTI and R versions, those who want an affordable Golf - that is, for less than $30,000 - must turn to used …
Pre-owned vehicles3 Good Reasons to Buy a Used Kia Niro
The small Kia Niro crossover appeared on our roads six years ago and is a rare breed in the automotive industry. Not only does it not offer a gas-only version, it is also available as a hybrid, plug-in hybrid (Niro PHEV), and 100% electric vehicle (Niro EV). For singles, couples …
Pre-owned vehiclesReliability: Multimedia Systems Are Still a Problem
Year after year, vehicle reliability continues to improve, but multimedia systems remain by far the biggest source of problems for users. This is one of the findings of the latest annual reliability study published by the U.S. firm J.D. Power. Many owners are choosing to keep their vehicles longer in …
Pre-owned vehiclesOur Tips For Riding in Comfort During Winter
Shopping for a used car in the middle of winter can be financially advantageous for a number of reasons, but it also carries some risks. You've just acquired a pre-owned vehicle? Congratulations. In order to make the most of it during the winter, allow us to provide you with these …
Pre-owned vehiclesIs a $6,000 Honda Odyssey with 400,000 km a Good Buy?
Looking for a really affordable van to haul your whole family or half of your son's soccer team? There are some great deals on the used car market, but beware: the purchase price isn't everything. You have to think about the cost of ownership as well, which includes maintenance. Of …
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