Features and Tips

TechnologyHyundai Aiming to be the Leading Maker of Electric Vehicles
The Car Guide was on hand for the launch of the 2017 Hyundai Ioniq, a car that offers three different ways to “drive electric.” Not only that, but the Ioniq also represents the brand's most significant step in alternative drive systems. The manufacturer is crossing its fingers that sales will …
Features and TipsTips for Driving on Icy Roads
The weather can change drastically during the winter season, with wild temperature swings, snow flurries and freezing rain. However, life goes on and no matter what the road conditions are like, we must still get out and drive to work. First and foremost, prevention and caution are the most important …
TechnologyThree Kinds of Heated Seats
Good things come in threes, including heated seats. There are those installed directly at the factory by the manufacturer, those added by an accessory specialist, and the removable ones you can buy at your local department store. The first type is relatively straightforward, as most luxury vehicles and an increasing …
Tips & Advice: Protect your carIs it Legal to Use Chains in Winter?
If you have ever traveled to Europe in wintertime, you probably noticed that many motorists on that side of the pond put chains on their tires to drive on snowy or slippery roads. In fact, most drivers in Europe’s alpine regions, where there’s heavy snowfall, swear by them. Here in …
Tips & Advice: Protect your carEmergency Kits: A Winter Must
Having your car break down is no picnic even at the best of times, but in winter, the consequences can sometimes be dire. That’s why it’s important to take precautions so as not to be caught unprepared in the event of a mechanical problem. If you want to put together …
Tips & Advice: Protect your carThe Folding Shovel: A Must!
When you think of automobile accessories you can’t live without in winter, the snowbrush instantly comes to mind. This faithful sidekick helps clear off cars that are all too often found blanketed in snow. However, there are a lot of other items you should have in your car—like a warm …
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