Toyota Prius Sets New Guinness World Record for Fuel Economy

The latest-generation Toyota Prius is generating a lot of attention thanks to its much sleeker and sportier design, more potent hybrid powertrain and fully redesigned cockpit, but we should not forget the main reason why the car is such an icon in the first place—exceptional fuel economy.

In addition to achieving a combined 4.8 L/100 km according to Natural Resources Canada, the small and highly aerodynamic Japanese sedan recently added a record-breaking feat to an already impressive resume.

Driven by hypermiling specialist Wayne Gerdes, a Prius set a new Guinness World Record for lowest fuel consumption driving across the U.S. from the West coast to East coast. Starting at Los Angeles City Hall and finishing at New York City Hall, it averaged a staggering 93.158 mpg, or the equivalent of 2.52 L/100 km. Can you believe that?

The previous record was in the mid-70s mpg, or just over 3 L/100 km.

Photo: Toyota

The trip covered a total of 5 167.6 km, and it wasn’t always sunshine and flat roads. Gerdes drove the Prius up mountain elevations as high as 7,000 feet (2,130 metres) and through unforgiving places like Mojave Desert where the temperature exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. He also contended with strong winds coming from the Gulf of Mexico.

“For a record attempt like this, it’s a lot of planning. You can’t just go sight unseen into doing this,” Gerdes said. “You have to have that plan. But you also have to be able to work on the fly. So, if things change, you have to switch up your plan. Reroute. Figure out what you’re going to be able to do to achieve that goal.”

Photo: Toyota

Slower take-offs from stops, keeping even pressure on the accelerator pedal, and easing off the accelerator early when stops are ahead are just some of the tips Gerdes has for everyday drivers looking to improve their fuel economy.

“The Prius has impressed us all for the past 23 years, and frankly, it continues to wow us today,” said Toyota Vehicle Marketing group vice president Michael Tripp. “The world record for the highest MPG to us is just one more proof point that the Prius truly is an engineering marvel.”

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