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Is Your Emergency Car Kit Winter-Ready?

Your car is fitted with winter tires, winter mats, windshield washer fluid that won't freeze, maybe even seat covers, but what about your emergency kit? You know, the one you keep stashed away in the trunk thinking you'll never need it?

It's important to prepare it to winter as well. What should it include? Here's a list of essentials.

Booster Cables

This is the first thing to think about. In cold weather, jumper cables can come in handy if your car won't start. Know how to use them when a Good Samaritan helps you out with their vehicle.

Windshield Washer Fluid for Winter

Winter roads can your windshield a hard time. If you ignore the low-washer fluid warning light and aren't near a place to buy a new container, you'll be glad to have a spare one in the trunk. The fluid should withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius.

A Shovel

Even if considered unnecessary in the summer, a foldable shovel should be part of your winter emergency kit. If your car gets stuck in a snowbank, you'll have the perfect tool to dig it out.

A Bag of Abrasive and Traction Aids

In the same scenario, kitty litter and sand are very effective in giving grip to a wheel that's spinning on ice. Traction aids are even better. There are compact models on the market that fit easily into a kit.

A Blanket and Warm Clothes

If you have extra room in your trunk, consider a blanket or clothing (gloves, hat, scarf, etc.) that will keep you warm until roadside assistance arrives in the event of a breakdown or run-off. A waterproof, windproof blanket with an aluminized surface designed to reflect body heat is ideal.

In conclusion, in winter as in summer, it is always wise to carry flares, a first aid kit, a few good tools, a flashlight as well as water and snacks. But first foremost, be careful when driving!

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